Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fox News Attempts to De-Mystify Strip Clubs for Couples

ok, i'll give them some credit for the republican-funded station for not condemning strippers to hell- again. but i have some problems with this article:,2933,579672,00.html

why is it that whenever the subject is brought up of heterosexual couples visiting a strip club is a strip club with male dancers never mentioned? i think it's very one-sided to not mention it. i am starting to doubt that this article was written by a woman in the first place. what woman wouldn't acknowledge the other side of the coin?

and why is it that with most men i meet, they are dying to bring their girlfriends to female strip clubs but are in toddler-like hysterics at the thought of gazing at male anatomy? you have a penis too, big deal. what are you so scared of? you expect your girlfriend to be more "open-minded", yet you yourself refuse to be. the familiar spoken lines of: "oh, it's just for fun.", "it doesn't make you gay to look at a naked woman." and "most girls are fine with it." seem to fade at the idea of having to look at your fellow men strut their stuff. it take balls to be a fag, sweetheart.

back to my commentary on the article:
in #1, the writer mentions skipping foreplay. excuse me, but foreplay is awesome! this sounds like a wham bam thing, and i dont know too many people who want their sex life to be 5 minute intervals. at least i don't. and 'work'? if you view sex as 'work' then you're doing it wrong.

in #2, how can a stripper be a mutually desired "object" if both parties are straight? unless she's referring to a hermaphrodite stripper, it's not gonna work. and what is up with this expectation of women to be bisexual and our society's repulsion of a bisexual man? i have a feeling that 'little bit of bi' so many women claim is also just as prevalent in our male counterparts- they just won't admit to it.

the writer also makes references to having an unattractive dancer around to have the woman feel more attractive herself. seriously, that is so pathetic and childish! i wonder if a person should even try to be in an adult relationship with that one. i see myself as me. if you think i'm ugly, there's the door. if a "man" would try to put me in a position where i would need to "compete" for him, i have batteries, thankyouverymuch.

the article also mentions the strip club as being "taboo" and "naughty". i just dont find it that way. taboo is having sex in a hydrotherapy tub- hell, i think that may be more than taboo, that's just downright twisted.

the one thing the article nailed on the head was about strip clubs being safe and free from the worries of stds. i wish more people would consider this one. it also frees a person from the requirements of child support for 18 years, which some disgruntled parents have told me is the worse std of all.

and now for my own opinions on the matter:
if a couple wants to go to a strip club, that's their business. don't pressure your partner to go. if your partner is unhappy there, leave. if you're unhappy and your partner won't listen, excuse yourself to the bathroom and when s/he's not looking, bolt. don't stay there and take your bad time out on the people who work there- it's not their fault, it's your partner's for not listening to you.

personally, i'm not against strip clubs. people work there so they can pay their bills. people go there to watch attractive dancers and be entertained by them. not everyone likes strip clubs, but that's why we have a wonderful thing in this world called choices.

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